“Look at that!” This was one of the volunteers from Italy pointing to the sunset. I looked and saw nothing. “It is beautiful,” she said with a smile. I smiled too. I pretended I saw the beauty but I was lying.
From that day, I have been trying to see this beauty but I am afraid that the more I look at it, the more I get frustrated. The time the sun is setting, I begin to think of the continued blackouts. Almost everyday we have black outs. The sunset goes together with electricity!
Business people have looked at the blackouts with sadness because this affects their production. Here, it is the future of the nation. Students learn the whole day hope to study at night. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
This is not the only problem. How do we instil discipline to students in total darkness?
What can change my attitude towards sunset? I don’t know. Can we try solar energy? I think with solar energy, I would look at the sunset with satisfaction. I would look at it and say, “Thank you Mr(s) Sun for creating electricity for this evening.”