The Malawian government envisions in alleviating illiteracy as stipulated in its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Schools have been opened and equipped for such a cause. Andiamo Trust had joined the bandwagon to share in the dreams of the government. It has opened a technical school and a secondary school. Both of these institutions do not just increase literacy but also mould young men and women into responsible leaders and citizens.

Andiamo Secondary School students watching the movie “Hotel Rwanda” as part of their lesson on conflict resolution
Its teachers are resourceful and insightful. They bear in mind the intricacy of learning. It is common knowledge that we learn things we pay interest in. Valeria Giassi; the Social Studies teacher, takes this as an advantage to introduce her lessons under a topic; ‘Human Rights violation and Conflict Resolution’ excitingly to steal students’ attention with a movie “Hotel Rwanda” that gives a crystal clear depiction about the Rwandan ‘Hutu-Tutsi Wrangle’. Upon entering the class, one could tell the pupils followed along with such an exclusive curiosity.
The adoption of media instruction in delivery of content by teachers is mostly promoted in today’s learning for students easily understand diverse materials by associating them to what they like most.
By Harry Pongolani (Photos by H.P.)