Category Archives: Culture and Sport

Malawi to have a K1000 banknote

Malawi will from Wednesday next week 23 May have a new family of banknotes and coins which will comprise of six banknote denominations of K1000, K500, K200, K100, K50 and K20 and three coins of K10, K5 and K1, the … Continue reading

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Andiamo Bullets FC fires players

Andiamo Bullets, a football club under Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust, has fired several players on disciplinary grounds and some new players have since joined Andiamo Website Office has learnt. “They have been fired after being called to disciplinary committee for several  times … Continue reading

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Fuel, electricity prices up

Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) has announced the new price increase of fuel and electricity with immediate effect from 11 May 2012. The price of diesel has been adjusted from K360.00 to K470.00 per litre while the price of petrol … Continue reading

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Working with paints and brushes.

Daveh Mwale Pabros is one of the talented artisans who is surviving everyday through painting. Andiamo Website Office had an interview with him at Andiamo Art Studio. Who is Daveh Mwale Pabros? Pabros is an artist who does painting as … Continue reading

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Andiamo holds schools basketball tourney

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Basketball Trainings over

The basketball trainings that trainers from Italy organized have come to an end following the departure of the trainers today 4 May 2012. Balaka Malawi Basketball School (BAMABÁ) continues after hosting a mini tournament on 1 May 2012 in which … Continue reading

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St. Charles emerge BAMABÁ tournament champions

There was jubilation at Balaka Malawi Basketball School (BAMABÁ) as St. Charles Lwangwa Secondary School basketball team emerged champions in BAMABÁ mini basketball tournament after defeating Andiamo Secondary by 31 – 16 baskets. Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) Executive Director … Continue reading

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Interview with Juma Phiri

Juma Phiri is one of the skilled youths at Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT). He does welding, panel beating and spray painting and welding. Juma joined Andiamo in 1998 as a trainee and after six months later he became a … Continue reading

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Zitsime Project Rehabilitate 15 Boreholes

Zitsime project of Andiamo trust has in the month of April rehabilitated 15 boreholes in the villages surrounding Balaka District. With funding from Aldo of the RIETI ASSOCIATION and other Italian well-wishers, under the motto “MADZI NDI MOYO” (water is … Continue reading

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The last program of Alleluya Band 2012 tour

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