Category Archives: Culture and Sport

The Sunset

“Look at that!” This was one of the volunteers from Italy pointing to the sunset. I looked and saw nothing. “It is beautiful,” she said with a smile. I smiled too. I pretended I saw the beauty but I was … Continue reading

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Welcome back Padre!

Fr Mario Pacifici, the founding trustee of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust arrived back from Italy on Sunday 5 February. Coincidentally, 5 February is the day he first arrived in Africa. Fr. Mario arrived in Kenya on 5 February 1977 before … Continue reading

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Let’s share

When Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust thought of naming the street kids project “Tigawane” (Let’s share) the name made sense. We surely must share the little that we have. But little did we know that “tigawane” would spread to everything. In … Continue reading

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Andiamo Bullets in Zomba today

Andiamo Bullets will be playing with Zomba Government print today at Zomba prison ground. The game is expected to start at 2:30 pm. So far the team has played 6 games and has 8 points from a possible 18. The team is … Continue reading

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The other side of White Kananji

White Kananji’s talent, was spotted during Alleluya Band show in Balaka. He is only 23 but he has all the skills a dancer would want to have. Those who have watched him think he has no bones because he can … Continue reading

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2012 with hope

Christmas is here and soon we shall be in the year 2012. Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) agrees with the Holy Father in his World Day of Peace message that the year now ending has been marked by a “rising … Continue reading

Posted in Culture and Sport, Education, News from Malawi, Social Development | Leave a comment

Ideologies don’t save the world – Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI has devoted his message for XLV World Day of Peace which falls on 1 January 2012 to the theme of education: Educating Young People in Justice and Peace in the conviction that “the young, with their enthusiasm and idealism, … Continue reading

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