Category Archives: Culture and Sport

Talent within our Reach

Alleluya band is in Italy fundraising for Comfort Community Hospital and the band will be back next week. When the members are back they will find out that we have a lot of talent just waiting for their turn to … Continue reading

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Alena Seredova and Fr. Mario Pacifici launches the Alleluya Band and Zucchero Show for Andiamo Comfort Community Hospital

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The Franklin University Switzerland Group Visit is Eye Opening

The visit by the professor and students from Franklin University Switzerland to Andiamo on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 has revealed how intense is the service of Andiamo to the community of Balaka and Malawi as a whole. The fifteen-member group, … Continue reading

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Andiamo Music School Shines at National Level

Many thought the initiative was just to keep the youth of Balaka district busy. On July 5th this year, the nation differentiated classroom music from any other. Andiamo music school band scooped 1million Kwacha Chibuku Road to Fame Competition held … Continue reading

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Kefasi Kasiteni in the United Kingdom

Kefasi Kasiteni, a student from Andiamo Secondary School is among the Malawian athletes to participate during the Commonwealth games to be held in Scotland, United Kingdom. The Malawian team left Malawi on 29th June and will return on 7th August … Continue reading

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Mbendera awarded Certificate

George Mbendera of Andiamo Music School has been awarded a certificate for being a student in the 7th National Youth Training Programme in Music and Dance that was held at Tom Mboya Labour College, in Kisumu, Kenya from 7th to … Continue reading

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Alessandro Cappelli leaves a mark

One month has gone now and it is time to go back home. Alessandro Cappelli, a basketball trainer and ICT expert leaves today for Italy but leaves behind a mark we cannot delete. Students will miss him for there is … Continue reading

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Rest In Peace Peppino

For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me … Continue reading

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Bishop Stima follows his flock

On Saturday, 22 February 2014, we were in Mangochi to witness the installation of Bishop Montfort Stima as the new Bishop of Mangochi Diocese where we belong and on Monday, 24 March, the new Bishop followed us to see what … Continue reading

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Reliving 8 November 2013

It was on 8 November 2013, a day before Alleluya band celebrated their 35th anniversary in Balaka, when Fr. Mario Pacifici collapsed at the ground where the celebrations took place. Since that collapse, he was not seen in public neither … Continue reading

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