Rest In Peace Peppino

For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteous, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

2 Timothy 4:6-8

Late Peppino (R), the wife and Andrew Galeta - File Photo

Late Peppino (R), the wife and Andrew Galeta – File Photo

Peppino Nosari is gone. He died early morning of 28 March 2014 in Italy. Here at Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust, we are saddened by his departure. We grieve together with his family in these trying moments but at the same time, we want to celebrate his life.

Through many projects we have done together with him for the community of Balaka, we can humbly say that Peppino fought a good fight. We pray that the Lord, who is the righteous judge, shall give him a crown of righteous.

May Peppino’s Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.

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Bishop Stima follows his flock

On Saturday, 22 February 2014, we were in Mangochi to witness the installation of Bishop Montfort Stima as the new Bishop of Mangochi Diocese where we belong and on Monday, 24 March, the new Bishop followed us to see what we are doing for the church and indeed our country.

During the visit, the Bishop was briefed about the four pillars that summarise our service to humanity namely: Education; Healthcare; Social Development; and Sports and Culture.

From his speeches, it is clear that the Bishop may be new to the diocese but not our contribution to the church and the country. He has followed well Alleluya band. He uses glasses, which he showed, made at Comfort Vision. We like his advise: Stick to the values of the Catholic church. This is the message he brought to all our four pillars he visited.

Arrival of Bishop Stima at AYCT

Arrival of Bishop Montfort Stima at AYCT

Bishop Stima receives a gift

Bishop Stima receives a gift as Don Cesare and the Director look on

At the Cobbler Section

At the Cobbler Section

He also visited the paediatric ward of Comfort Community Hospital

He also visited the paediatric ward of Comfort Community Hospital

Students of Andiamo Education Institutions had an honour to meet him

Students of Andiamo Education Institutions had an honour to meet him

By P.K.B






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They come and we don’t want them go back

When they are arrived at Andiamo, we celebrated for obvious reasons: these are volunteers who stay thousands of kilometres away from here yet their hearts are so near to us. Together with many others they fundraise for the smooth running of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust. Through them many young boys and girls access to the much needed quality education. Yes through them, our kids are receiving treatment for free at Comfort Paediatric Clinic. Through them, we are giving a good service to the community of Balaka in Malawi. We wish you a safe flight back to Italy Manuel Todeschini (President of Orizzonte Malawi), Innocenzo and Nazarena.

The day Manuel arrived in Balaka

The day Manuel arrived in Balaka

The day Fr. Mario arrived together with Innocenzo and Nazarena

The day Fr. Mario arrived together with Innocenzo and Nazarena

We cannot let them go

We cannot let them go

Thank you for your solidarity

Thank you for your solidarity

Coss Chiwalo and Gertrude with a smile that says, "we are meeting soon in Italy"

Coss Chiwalo and Gertrude with a smile that says, “we are meeting soon in Italy”

By P.K.B





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Andiamo not Idle

Today, 13 March 2014 we went around to see what is happening around Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) and this is what we have seen:

Form III students of Andiamo Secondary School working in groups

Form III students of Andiamo Secondary School working in groups

Chimwemwe and company in the cobbler section

Chimwemwe and company in the cobbler section

Tailoring and Designing students of Andiamo Technical College learning new skills

Tailoring and Designing students of Andiamo Technical College learning new skills

Motor Vehicle Mechanics students learning the tricks

Motor Vehicle Mechanics students learning the tricks

Carpentry and Joinery students in the workshop

Carpentry and Joinery students in the workshop

Electrical Installation students

Electrical Installation students

Franco ferrying some doors from Andiamo Main Campus for a project

Franco ferrying some doors from Andiamo Main Campus for a project

The bridge under construction

The bridge under construction

Welders from the Metal Section busy doing their job

Welders from the Metal Section busy doing their job

Alleluya band members returning the generator to the main store

Alleluya band members returning the generator to the main store

The Female and Male wards being used as Paediatric wards to accommodate more kids

The Female and Male wards being used as Paediatric wards to accommodate more kids

Pictures by: P.K.B







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February Saw an Increase in Upper Respiratory Infections

Guardians and patients queueing for drugs

Guardians and patients queueing for treatment

February was another busy month at Comfort Clinics. Overall, we treated 5,672 patients, which is a 5% increase over January. The majority of the patients were in our Out-Patient Department (3,838).  The number of Upper Respiratory Infections surpassed the number of Malaria cases – this is a typical occurrence as the rainy season progresses. The following list outlines where most of the cases were:

770 cases of Upper Respiratory Infections

611 cases of Malaria (5 years & Over)

546 cases of Malaria (Under 5 years)

333 cases of Skin Conditions

265 cases of Diarrhoea (Under 5 years)

252 cases of Acute Respiratory Infections (Under 5 years)

By Jill Claus

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The Road Less Travelled

These days he doesn’t visit Andiamo Youth Cooperative Sections more often. When he does, everyone wants to see and interact with him. On Monday, 10 March 2014 Fr. Mario Pacifici, who is one of the founding trustees made a surprise and rare visit to the workshop.

Fr. Mario, Manuel Todeschini (President of Orizzonte Malawi), Augustino and the Andiamo staff

Fr. Mario, Manuel Todeschini (President of Orizzonte Malawi), Augustino and the Andiamo staff

Fr. Mario sharing notes with volunteers

Fr. Mario sharing notes with volunteers

By P.K.B

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AEI in Lent Mood

ash2The Andiamo Community has today, 5 March begun the 40-day journey of preparing for Easter Sunday with a mass celebrated in Umodzi Hall right in the campus of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI).

In his homily, Don Cesare has urged all the students of AEI to find some time to read the Bible, which will enrich their faith.

Fr. Mario Pacifici, who briefly prayed with the faithful has asked people to take this period seriously. He has asked everyone present to do charitable work. He also asked the congregation to pray for Fr. Lazarus who has been murdered in Europe by a young man whom the priest had been helping.

During the mass, ashes were put on the foreheads of the congregation reminding them of their own mortality and a call for repentance.ash3ash5ash4

By P.K.B

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The Andiamo Road, Our Road!

They say social responsibility is an ethical theory that an entity, be it organization or individual, has an obligation to act to benefit society at large and that social responsibility is the duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems.

For 30 years now, Andiamo has used the road that connects Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust to the M1 Road and it has been christened “the Andiamo Road” though the same road connects the Great Lakes Company to the main road. On Wednesday, 5 March 2014 the volunteers from Italy joined hands with their Malawian counterparts in maintaining the road that serves the community of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust.IMG_6068IMG_6067IMG_6073IMG_6074IMG_6064

By P.K.B 

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Face to Face with students of AEI

Fr Mario Pacifici speaking to the congregation

Fr Mario Pacifici speaking to the congregation

On Sunday, 2 March 2014 Fr. Mario Pacifici had an audience with students in the Umodzi Hall immediately after mass which was celebrated by Don Cesare Castelli where he advised the students to be hard working in everything. Fr. Mario tackled a lot of pertinent issues affecting the lives of young people. This was the first time since he came from Italy that he talked to the students.
During the same audience he asked both the senior and junior staff of AEI to accept their responsibilities with humility.
“Take your “job” as a responsibility to serve others not vice versa,” he advised.

By P.K.B
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