Time to apply fertilizers

It is a sunny day and Get Up Stand Up project has taken this as an opportunity to apply fertilisers in its 10 hectares land hoping to be a field farmers will emulate next year. It is also an opportunity for the community around to find a piece work that earns them something in this month of January. “Get Up Stand Up” is a project supported by an Association of Lawyers from Bergamo in Italy and is coordinated by Henry Goster.

Time to earn something

Time to earn something

Men first to dig the holes

Men first to dig the holes

It is a huge land

It is a huge land

This is the way we do it

This is the way we do it

Pictures by Chimwemwe Mwenyemasi




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Cephas triumphs at National Cross-Country Championships

The Junior National Champion

Cephas Kasiteni: The Junior National Champion

Cephas Kasiteni of Andiamo Secondary School did us proud on Saturday, 11 January when he triumphed in 24:44:12 minutes in the eight kilometres race at the National Cross-Country Championship at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre.

Kasiteni beat Harry Sichali and Pierson Maluwa who finished second and third respectively. Kasiteni carted home K30, 000.

In the ladies junior race, Enelesi Aufi and Ruth Chiwaula, both of Andiamo Secondary School finished seventh and fifteenth respectively.

According to Athletics Association of Malawi (AAM) president Godfrey Phiri, the top four athletes in each category will represent the country at the Southern African Championships in Pretoria, South Africa, on February 24, 2014.

By P.K.B

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Chimwemwe Featured in Together Magazine

Many media houses in Malawi recognise the talent that Chimwemwe Mwenyemasi, head of Cobbler Section at Andiamo Youth Cooperative has. Together Magazine published and printed by Montfort Media, run by the Montfort Missionaries in Balaka is the latest to feature him. Chimwemwe: Following the Dad’s Footsteps

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JCE and MSCE after the May Polls

Form II students of Andiamo Secondary School

Form II students of Andiamo Secondary School

The Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) says Junior Certificate Examinations will be written after the May 20 Polls.

In a statement signed by MANEB’s publicist Simeon Maganga, “JCE examination will be administered from Tuesday, 17th June to Friday, 27 June, 2014 while MSCE [Malawi School of Certificate Education] examination will be administered from Wednesday, 9th July to Friday 1st August, 2014.”

This means Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) campus will be busy in the months above because Andiamo Private Secondary School is a centre for both JCE and MSCE.

By P.K.B

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Comfort Clinics New Year Baby

Grace and her daughter

Grace and her daughter

Meet 18 year old Grace Rackson and her beautiful baby girl!  She was the first baby born in 2014 at Comfort Clinics – our New Year’s Baby!  She was born at 1:00 am on January 1st and weighed 2.8 kg.  Congratulations Grace!  We wish you and your baby all of the best!  Some parting words of wisdom from Ralph Waldo Emerson for this tiny new life… “Do not go where the path may lead; instead go where there is no path and leave a trail”.

By Jill Claus

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Life is Back at AEI Campus

Andiamo Secondary Students checking their examinations results

Andiamo Secondary Students checking their examinations results

Students of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) have started to arrive at the campus. Some students have been seen cleaning the classrooms and others were busy checking the examinations results. According to the headmaster of Andiamo Secondary School, Mr. James Banda, there is no time to waste. He says classes will resume this afternoon!

By Our Reporter

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Kangaroo Mother Care

Kangaroo care

Kangaroo care

Meet baby Ester pictured above with her mother Tiyanjane at Comfort Community Hospital, which is under Andiamo Youth Coopertive Trust in Balaka, Malawi.  Ester was born with a low birth weight and is participating in our Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) program.  This treatment comprises of 24 hour skin-to-skin contact with the mother and exclusive breastfeeding for all babies, premature or full-term, that have a birth weight of less than 2.5 kg.  In the picture, Ester was 12 days old and weighed 2.1 kg.  With her mother’s constant tender, love, and care she has been making steady progress!

By Jill Claus

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Fr. Mario Calls for New Life in the New Year

Fr. Mario Pacifici

Fr. Mario Pacifici

Fr. Mario Pacifici, one of the founding trustees of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust, has called for a “new life” in the year 2014.

The new life involves a “definite commitment to humanity renewed in the spirit of fellowship, brotherhood and mutual solidarity.” Fr. Mario says this in his New Year’s Message.

As a sign of the desire to be with those in need, Fr. Mario has asked people of goodwill to participate at the Supper for the Poor, scheduled at January 31 in Italy to ensure that there is both food and medicine for the Comfort Community Hospital in Balaka.

In the same message, he is asking people to patronise Alleluya Band shows lined up from end May to early August.

By P.K.B

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AYCT closes for Christmas Holidays

Don Cesare Castelli speaking during the Annual General Meeting

Don Cesare Castelli speaking during the Annual General Meeting

Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) closes Tuesday, 24 December and normal work will resume on 20 January 2104. This was disclosed on Saturday 21 December when AYCT had its Annual General Assembly.

However, this long holiday does not affect the other three pillars of Education, Healthcare and Sports Culture.

The doors of Comfort Community Hospital, which is under the pillar of Healthcare, remain open while Alleluya Band continues to entertain people throughout the festive season. Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI), which are under the pillar, Education, will open on 6 January 20.14.

In its Annual General Assembly, all the speakers stressed on the need to have the spirit of cooperatives in order for AYCT to move forward.

Meanwhile, Don Cesare Castelli, one of the founding trustees of AYCT has left the country for Italy and he is expected back in January.

Women from Andiamo were also present

Women from Andiamo were also present

Cross section of people who attended the meeting

Cross section of people who attended the meeting

Don Cesare bidding farewell on Tuesday

Don Cesare bidding farewell on Tuesday

By P.K.B

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AYCT General Assembly scheduled for Saturday, 21 December

File Photo: Fr Mario stressing a point through Martin in one of the Annual General Meetings

File Photo: Fr Mario stressing a point through Martin in one of the Annual General Meetings

Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) will on Saturday, 21 December 2013 hold its General Assembly where among other things members will discuss the future of Andiamo and the Christmas Holidays.

The assembly will be held in Umodzi Cafeteria Hall at Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) campus from 9 in the morning.

Meanwhile Fr. Mario Pacifici, one of the founding trustees of AYCT, who is currently in Italy has sent his Christmas Message ENGLISH where he has advised people to learn from the words of Nelson Mandela that, “The greatest glory in life is not in not falling, but in getting up every time we fall.”

In the same message, Fr. Mario is grateful to people who sent him best wishes for both his good health and birthday. Fr. Mario celebrates his birthday on 14 December.

By P.K.B

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