First Two Student Nurses leave a mark at Comfort Clinics

Pauline Tembo (left) and Martha Katete (right)

Pauline Tembo (left) and Martha Katete (right)

Comfort Clinics has been approved by Kamuzu College of Nursing Blantyre Campus to host student nurses in our Maternity Ward.  The first two students – Pauline Tembo and Martha Katete – arrived on November 17th and completed their internship with us last week.

Both women were already experienced nurses and had returned to college to attain an additional diploma as Nurse Midwife Technicians.  During their internship, they delivered 20 babies and much more.  Pauline and Martha will graduate this month and we congratulate them on a job well done!

We would like to thank Kamuzu College of Nursing for partnering with us and we look forward to having a long relationship with them.  We are hoping that next year, we will be approved by their Lilongwe Campus to also start receiving student nurses for our Paediatric Ward!

By Jill Claus

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AYCT wishes Fr. Mario a Happy Birthday

File Photo: Fr. Mario,a friend of the youth, on the opening day of Kapandatsitsi Nursery School

File Photo: Fr. Mario,a friend of the youth, on the opening day of Kapandatsitsi Nursery School

It is another special day at Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) as today 14 December, is the birthday of one of its founding trustees Fr. Mario Pacifici.

Meanwhile the Executive Director of AYCT has wished Fr. Mario a long and happy life in his mission on this earth.

In a related development, Fr. Mario in his advent message to friends and cooperating partners has described life as “a tent, but temporary, that we still have to leave sooner or later, to enter into the tent of the eternal communion with God and all, forever”.

Here at AYCT, we wish Fr. Mario Pacifici a happy birthday!

Read Fr. Mario’s Advent Message here Fr Mario’s Advent Message

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Dr. Andreotti Home for the Holidays

Dr Giovanni Andreotti

Dr Giovanni Andreotti

Dr. Giovanni Andreotti has completed his first three months as a Clinical Mentor at Comfort Clinics.  Giovanni was sponsored by Project Malawi Onlus and Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) of La Spezia to come to Malawi for one year.

During his first three months here, he has focused on mentoring our Clinical Officer in the Pediatric Ward, has implemented several World Health Organization guidelines, and has set up emergency drug kits.  With our shortage of clinicians in Malawi, he has also been treating patients and has personally treated 1,387 patients and admitted 117 children to our pediatric ward. When Giovanni returns from Italy in mid-January, he will begin mentoring the Adult Out-Patient Medical Officer.

Everyone at Comfort Clinics wishes Giovanni and his wife Manuela a wonderful holiday and we look forward to their return!

By J.C

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Andiamo Secondary School Students go for Christmas Holidays on Thursday

Students of Andiamo Secondary School will on Thursday, 12 December 2013 leave for Christmas Holidays. Meanwhile all the students are busy writing their end of term examinations.

Form III students writing their exams

Form III students writing their exams

Form II students

Form II students

By P.K.B


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Bishop Stima is the new Bishop of Mangochi Diocese

Rt. Rev. Bishop Montfort Stima (with the crozier)

Rt. Rev. Bishop Montfort Stima (with the crozier)

Pope Francis has appointed Right Reverend Montfort Stima, who was the Auxiliary Bishop of Blantyre to Mangochi Diocese. The Apostolic Nunciature (Vatican Embassy) in Malawi announced this on 6 December 2013.

According to the press release from Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM). Bishop Stima, who is currently Diocesan Administrator of Archdiocese of Blantyre, “remains in charge of the Archdioese up until Rt. Rev. Thomas Msusa will take possession of the Archiepiscopal See of Blantyre”.

Rt. Rev. Stima hails from Khomera Village, T/A Dambe in Mwanza, Neno. Born on 27 December 1957, he was ordained priest on 3 August 1986 at Limbe Cathedral. He was appointed auxiliary bishop of Archdiocese of Blantyre on 24 January 2010. Bishop Stima replaces Bishop Alessandro Pagani.

By P.K.B

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Kapandatsitsi Nursery School’s Refectory Taking Shape

The refectory under construction

The refectory under construction

The new Refectory, which is under construction at Kapandatsitsi Nursery School, is taking shape. A visit to the site has revealed that the progress is going on well.

The construction of the refectory has been made possible because of the love the people of Beverino, Arcola, Monterosso and Sarzana from Italy have for the Malawian child. There are also plans that after the refectory a brick fence will be built around the school.

Without the refectory, food is served in their own classrooms, thereby disturbing lessons because time is wasted in cleaning the classrooms after the food is served.

Kapandatsitsi is one of the five Nursery Schools under Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI), one pillar of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust. The school is found in Musamanyada Village, STA Sawali in Balaka.

Waiting in joyful hope

Waiting in joyful hope

Greetings from Kapandatsitsi

Greetings from Kapandatsitsi

Love from Beverino, Arcola, Monterosso and Sarzana

Love from Beverino, Arcola, Monterosso and Sarzana

By P.K.B

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Pang’ono Pang’ono with Andiamo

On Thursday, 5 December 2013 Dr. Gabriele Falagiani left behind his stethoscope to supervise some of the projects Pang’ono Pang’ono Onlus is cooperating with Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust.

Together with Andiamo representatives, Dr. Gabriele visited the fish pond that needs maintenance and the water purifier machine.

Dr. Gabriele at the fish pond

Dr. Gabriele at the fish pond

Dr. Gabriele sharing notes with Henry Goster at the water purifying machine

Dr. Gabriele sharing notes with Henry Goster at the water purifying machine

By P.K.B



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Andiamo Secondary School Shines in Zomba

Eneless Aufi, a Form One Student at Andiamo Secondary School

Eneless Aufi, a Form One Student at Andiamo Secondary School

Andiamo Secondary School students dominated the Southern Region Cross Country held at Gymkhana Club in Zomba on Saturday, 30 November 2013.

Caphus Kasiteni scooped gold in both men’s junior and senior categories. In men’s 6-kilometre junior category Kasiteni clocked 27:17 minutes while in senior men’s 12 kilometres category, he clocked 43:21 minutes.

Keffasi Kasiteni the gold winner

Caphus Kasiteni the gold winner

Enelesi Aufi, a form one student won gold in 6 kilometres junior women’s category. She won the race after clocking 28:01 minutes.

The results have not come as a surprise to Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust because Andiamo Education Institutions have deliberately invested in athletics through Inter Schools Hope Trophy to make sure that the game of athletics is promoted in schools.

Both athletes may represent Malawi in the next year’s Scotland Commonwealth Games and 2016 Brazil Olympic Games after emerging winners in the Mini Olympics held in Lilongwe earlier this month.

By P.K.B

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Manyamba rejoins the Cobbler Section

Patrick Manyamba

Patrick Manyamba

Patrick Manyamba has rejoined the Cobbler section of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) to boost the section that promises to do well if well managed.

According to Chimwemwe Mwenyemasi, who currently heads the section, Manyamba will be responsible for repairs while Mwenyemasi concentrates on designing new shoes.

Mwenyemasi has also disclosed that they will soon start making bags for women.

“We shall soon embark on a project of designing bags for women,” says Mwenyemasi.

When asked if Patrick Manyamba will only be doing the repairs of old shoes, Mwenyemasi says in their free times, he will do all his best to train Manyamba on how to make new designs for both shoes and bags.

Manyamba once served the Cobbler Section. He comes from Sosola Village, Traditional Authority Nsamala in Balaka.

The Bishop of Bergamo receiving a pair of sandals made at Andiamo

The Bishop of Bergamo receiving a pair of sandals made at Andiamo

By P.K.B

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We can take care of the Elderly

There was a father, mother and their children and a grandfather. This grandfather got his face dirty when he ate soup, which annoyed the father so he bought a separate table for the grandfather to eat at. But one day the father returned home and saw one of his children playing with bits of wood and on asking his son what he was doing was told that he was building a table for Daddy to eat at when he became old.

The above is a story that Pope Francis told the gathering on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 in Rome to illustrate “our treatment” to old people. The Pope went on to say that a society that does not take care for and respect the elderly does not have a future because it doesn’t have memories. We would do well, he continued, to spare a thought for the many old people living in homes for the aged and, it’s unpleasant to say, for those who have been abandoned by their families. They are the treasure of our society.

The Pope was saying this in Rome, of course for all the Catholics. In fact some could say this is not possible. “Let the elderly care for themselves” but Gertrude Naluso, Deputy bandleader of Alleluya band has shown us that it is possible to live by what Pope Francis is preaching.

Through the little allowances that she got from the just ended International Italian tour, Gertrude is renovating and extending the house of her granny, who took care of her when she was young. Gertrude Naluso lost her mother when she was very young.

In the pictures below, we show you the renovations of the old house that Gertrude is doing for her grand mother.

Behind the extension block

Behind the extension block

This is part of the extension of the old house

This is part of the extension of the old house

The house under renovation

The house being renovated

By P.K.B

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