Bishop Msusa appointed Archbishop of Blantyre

Archbishop Thomas Msusa

Archbishop Thomas Msusa

The Apostolic Nunciature (Vatican Embassy) in Malawi is pleased to announce that His Holiness Pope FRANCIS has appointed the Right Reverend THOMAS LUKE MSUSA Archbishop of Blantyre, transferring him from the Episcopal See of Zomba. The announcement was made today, Thursday, 21 November 2013 at noontime in the Vatican.

According to the Press Release by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, the Right Reverend Montfort Stima, Auxiliary Bishop of Blantyre and currently Diocesan Administrator of the Archdiocese, remains in charge of the Archdiocese up until Rt. Rev. Thomas Msusa takes possession of the Archiepiscopal See of Blantyre.

Bishop Msusa was born on 2 February 1962. He was ordained Priest of Missionaries of the Company of Mary (Montfort Missionaries) in 1996 and was appointed Bishop of Zomba Diocese on 19 December 2003 and later ordained Bishop on 17 April 2004.

By P.K.B

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Andiamo Wings of Hope at the Mini Olympics Games

Gift Kawale during the recent Inter Schools Hope Trophy

Gift Kawale during the recent Inter Schools Hope Trophy

Three athletes from Andiamo Wings of Hope are competing at the Mini Olympics Games that are being jointly held at Civo Stadium and Kamuzu Institute for Sports in Lilongwe from today to Sunday, 24 November 2013.

Sports Coordinator of Andiamo Wings of Hope, Dennis Phiri says the three are Keffasi Kasiteni, Eneless Aufi and Gift Kawale, all from Andiamo Secondary School.

Eneless Aufi, a Form One Student at Andiamo Secondary School

Eneless Aufi, a Form One Student at Andiamo Secondary School

Malawi Olympic Committee (Moc) says necessary groundwork has been completed to ensure that the successful running of the Mini Olympics Games in Lilongwe from Thursday to Sunday.

Participants have been drawn from seven sporting codes: athletics, boxing, netball, table tennis, judo, weightlifting and cycling, will compete in the games, the first of its kind.

Moc President Oscar Kanjala is quoted in the media that the idea to stage Mini Olympics was hatched to motivate athletes to aim to qualify for major international events and inspire the nation to support sporting activities.

“We feel such traditions will help athletes to grow with Olympic culture. We also want to woo the corporate world to help associations and athletes to qualify for the major events,” The Daily Times of 21 November 2013 quotes Kanjala.

Keffasi Kasiteni shined during the recent Hope Trophy

Keffasi Kasiteni shined during the recent Hope Trophy

Andiamo Wings of Hope is a team of athletes that are selected from a pool of talented athletes who are identified through Inter Schools Hope Trophy in Balaka. Both Andiamo Wings of Hope and Hope Trophy are initiatives of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI), which is under Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust in Balaka with an aim to raise the game of athletics among the youth.

By P.K.B

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Fr. Angelo Epis Visits Andiamo

Fr. Angelo Epis meeting Fr. Mario Pacifici

Fr. Angelo Epis meeting Fr. Mario Pacifici

On Tuesday, 19 November 2013, Fr. Angelo Epis, who is the Provincial Superior of the province of Italy visited Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust where he met Fr. Mario Pacifici and later some representatives of the Cooperative.

During the meeting with the Cooperative’s representative, which included Don Cesare, one of the founding trustees of Andiamo, Fr. Epis underlined the importance of Andiamo services for the community specially in education and health.

Don Cesare seeing the Provincial Superior off

Don Cesare seeing the Provincial Superior off

Fr. Angelo has also invited Alleluya Band to prepare for themselves for the World Youth Day 2016 in Poland, the year which will mark 300 years since the death of St Louis da Montfort the founder of Montfort Missionaries who died on 28 April 1716.

Small gifts were given to Fr. Angelo so that he can remember Andiamo once he is back in Rome.

By P.K.B

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Catholic Schools PSLCE, JCE, MSCE results impress ECM

Andiamo Secondary School, also run by the Catholics had 98% with half of the class set for University Entrance Examinations

Andiamo Secondary School, also run by the Catholics had 98% with half of the class set for University Entrance Examinations

The Catholic Education Commission (CECOM) of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) says it is delighted with the exceptional performance of Catholic Schools in Malawi at Primary School Leaving Certificate Examinations (PSLCE), Junior Certificate of Education (JCE) and Malawi School Certification of Education (MSCE) examinations.

ECM’s Education Programmes Coordinator, Steven Ndhlovu said this year alone, most Catholic Schools in the country have managed an MSCE pass rate ranging from 90 to100 percent.

He said Mtendere and Marist Secondary schools in Dedza diocese and  Nankhunda, St Paul’s and St Patrick’s Seminaries in Zomba,Lilongwe and Mzuzu/Karonga dioceses respectively are among the boys Catholic Secondary Schools with 100 percent pass at MSCE.

Steven Ndhlovu

Steven Ndhlovu

Ndhlovu said Ludzi Girls in Mchinji, Archdiocese of Lilongwe is the only girls’ secondary school in the country with a 100 percent pass rate.

“Ludzi Girls has recorded 100 percent pass rate, with all students just between 8 and 40 points out of 71 girls, 61 students have qualified for University of Malawi entrance examinations,” said Ndhlovu.

According to Ndhlovu, Marymount, another Catholic girls secondary school in Mzuzu, has recorded 105 students out of 167 with points between 6 and 20.

Said Ndhlovu, “These encouraging results are also true for all the other Girls Catholic Schools in the country”.

He said ECM is particularly pleased with results from the Catholics girls’ secondary schools especially, at this time, when girls’ access to education is seriously compromised due to a number of factors.

“The commission, therefore, commends all Girls Catholic Schools for their remarkable feat at the just announced examination results, and indeed all the others before. This is a clear sign that the schools are dedicated in offering quality education to girls. This, in essence, contributes to attainment of some of the Millennium Development Goals: girl/women empowerment and poverty reduction. There is a popular adage which says when you educate a girl, you educate a nation,” he said

Following the consistent beauty of the Catholic Secondary School’s results from the past two years, a local Private Radio, Zodiak Broadcasting Station’s scholarships to study Medicine in China have mostly been offered to girls from Marymount, Ludzi and St. Mary’s among others.

Meanwhile, the ECM’s Education Commission says it is making every effort to maintain and in other cases improve to attain the best grades across all Catholic schools.

“We will, in due course, effect a Catholic Education policy, and also start holding workshops for managers and teachers of catholic schools to share experiences, challenges and best practices as we continue the noble work that Christ left to us – teaching. Christ is our role model,” said Ndhlovu

By Prince Henderson, ECM’s Research & Communications Officer

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Kapandatsitsi Nursery School Expanding

Marco and Cinzia at Kapandatsitsi Nursery School

Marco and Cinzia at Kapandatsitsi Nursery School

Communities of Beverino, Arcola, Monterosso and Sarzana from Italy have kept their promise of expanding Kapandatsitsi Nursery School by adding a Refectory and soon a brick fence around it.

Marco and Cinzia who are representing the above four communities arrived on 8 November and are busy with the foundation of the dining room.

A visit to the school on Tuesday morning has revealed that not only are Marco and Cinzia busy with the foundation of the new dining room but they also care about the kids. Marco was caught with a child on his lap while Cinzia was busy serving the kids with tea as we found them on tea break.

Work has started

Work has started now

Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) is aware that babies and toddlers need positive early learning experiences to help their intellectual, social and emotional development and that these lay the foundation for later success. This is why AYCT has five Nursery Schools that provide their services to people around Balaka under the umbrella name of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI).

By P.K.B

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Andiamo Secondary School crowned Champions

Andiamo Secondary School students celebrate the victory

Andiamo Secondary School students celebrate the victory

Andiamo Secondary School was on Saturday crowned 2013 Champions of Inter Schools Hope Trophy beating other 12 schools around Balaka. Balaka and Bakhita Secondary Schools finished on two and three positions respectively.

Andiamo received a trophy and individual athletes got different prizes courtesy of the founding trustees of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust, Fr. Mario Pacifici and Don Cesare Castelli.

Individual athletes receiving their prizes to Don Cesare

Individual athletes receiving their prizes to Don Cesare

Some of the disciplines on the menu were 100 metres sprint; relay race; 400m; 800m; 3000m; Shot Put; Long Jump; and Triple Jump.

The event, which is organized annually by Andiamo Education Institutions, exposed the hidden talent and it also gave opportunity to students around Balaka to stay and share experiences.

Competing for honours

Competing for honours

Hope Trophy is an initiative of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI), which is under Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust with an aim to raise the game of athletics among the youth.

By P.K.B

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Work in Progress

On Friday morning, the two machines, escavator and the borehole drilling machine joined the three “drillers” to try to pull out the drilling rod stuck between the rocks to no avail. The manual work must continue. Kachingwe, who leads the three man team digging the rod manually says, they are not giving up…

Two machines trying to pull out the rod

Two machines trying to pull out the rod

Work in progress

Work in progress

Fr. Mario at the site with some volunteers

Fr. Mario at the site with some volunteers

Waiting with hope

Waiting with hope

Please come out

Please come out

The T-Shirt says it all

The T-Shirt says it all

By P.K.B






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Inter Schools Hope Trophy attracts more than 350 athletes

Athletes are given an opportunity to compete at a higher level

Athletes are given an opportunity to compete at a higher level

More than 350 athletes will compete in the 8th edition of Inter Schools Hope Trophy that will take place on Saturday, 16 November 2013. These athletes will come from different Primary and Secondary Schools around Balaka.

According the organizers of the Hope Trophy from Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI), there are many prizes to be won by the competing athletes and their respective institutions.

Apart from the prizes to be won, the event exposes the hidden talent and it also gives opportunity to students to stay and share experiences.

The best athletes are then incorporated into the Andiamo Wings of Hope Athletics team where they are selected to compete on regional and national levels.

Some of the disciplines on the menu are 100 metres sprint; relay race; 400m; 800m; 3000m; Shot Put; Long Jump; and Triple Jump.

Hope Trophy is an initiative of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI), which is under Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust with an aim to raise the game of athletics among the youth.

By P.K.B

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Work in Progress

The broken rocks from the borehole

The broken rocks from deep down the borehole

“We aren’t giving up till we accomplish what we came here for,” says one of the three men who are busy digging out the drilling rod that got stuck in the rocks.

A visit to the site has revealed that the men are still breaking the rocks to remove the rod. The drillers say they have so far managed to dig about 2 metres of the rod.

Some months ago Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust embarked on a project to drill a borehole right close to the paediatric ward for the Comfort Community Hospital. Targets were set when they would finish drilling the borehole but little did they know that the job would end abruptly.

The drilling team

The drilling team

In the course of drilling, when they were about 10 metres deep the unexpected happened. The six metre-drilling rod got stuck between rocks and there was nothing that the machine could do. Now three men from around Balaka led by a Mr Kachingwe are busy digging the rod out manually. We wish them success.

By P.K.B

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35th Anniversary in Pictures

The 9 November 2013 will remain a special day Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) will live to remember because this is the day Alleluya band, which is under the pillar, Sports and  Culture, celebrated 35 years of its existence. To AYCT, this was like celebrating a birth day of a mother. Remember that AYCT was born from the band. The following are some pictures that were taken on this memorable day.

Maskal, one of the guest artists on the day

Maskal, one of the guest artists on the day

Alleluya band performing to the capacity crowd

Alleluya band performing to the capacity crowd

Alleluya band surrounded by the sea of people

Alleluya band surrounded by the sea of people


Ben Michael, one of the invited guests was also present

Ben Michael, one of the invited guests was also present

Andiamo Women Association (AWA) was not left out

Andiamo Women Association (AWA) was not left out

Time to dance

Time to dance

Andiamo Technical College students enjoying their time

Andiamo Technical College students enjoying their time


People were honoured for their dedication

People were honoured for their dedication

Italy was well represented

Italy was well represented

Gertrude Naluso (L) led "The Marching Soldiers for Peace"

Gertrude Naluso (R) led “The Marching Soldiers for Peace”

Montfort Missionaries of Italian Delegation were also represented

Montfort Missionaries of Italian Delegation were also represented

Fr. Callisto Baluwa, the Parish Priest of St Louis Montfort Parish, where Alleluya band was born, graced the occasion

Fr. Callisto Baluwa Smm (L), the Parish Priest of St Louis Montfort Parish, where Alleluya band was born, graced the occasion

Those that played when John Paul II visited Malawi, showed their skills too

Those that played when John Paul II visited Malawi, showed their skills too

By The Web Team










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