Andiamo Secondary School Shines

The 2013 Form IV Class

The 2013 Form IV Class

It was the first time Andiamo Secondary School students sat for Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) Examinations. For four years the students were grilled both morally and academically. The results show it worked. Andiamo Secondary School has registered a 98% passing rate and half of the class qualifies to write entrance examinations of University of Malawi!

When a school produces results like these, credit goes to both parents and the teachers only but here at Andiamo we must extend this to other stakeholders like some individuals from Italy who gave scholarships to some deserving students since they were in Form One.

Fr. Mario on the graduation day

Fr. Mario on the graduation day

Our gratitude should also go to Fr. Mario Pacifici, and Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) for their unwavering support.

Fr. Mario spends every Sunday with the students sharing with them some moral values. In his Sunday homilies, he makes sure he tackles issues that affect daily life of both the students and the teaching staff. Unlike other institutions where problems like water, electricity take centuries to be rectified, Andiamo Secondary School is blessed because AYCT rushes whenever there is a problem.

On the graduation Day

On the graduation Day

Malawi National Examinations Board (Maneb) released the 2013 MSCE examinations results with 66,853 candidates out of 127,383 who sat for the examinations qualifying for the award of MSCE certificates, representing a 52.48 per cent pass rate.

By P.K.B

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The 9 November Fever

Alleluya Band's motto

Alleluya Band’s motto

9 November is the Alleluya Band Day. The band is celebrating 35 years of “Singing Life with Joy”. All Alleluya band members including their patron Fr. Mario Pacifici are all busy preparing for the day but this is obvious because it is their day.

We went a step further by going to other sections of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) to hear for ourselves how people have prepared for this day.

Faki, Electrician: This is the day we have all been waiting for. Celebrating 35 years of existence is not a mean achievement. This has been a journey full of good and bad things. Fortunately God did not leave us alone. We have reasons to celebrate with Alleluya band on this day.

Chaima, Welder: I am happy to be part of this celebration when Alleluya band has clocked 35 years. We have prepared for Saturday. You will see the type of dressing you have never seen from some us.

Chawanje, Carpenter: It is a day we must be happy. This is the day we must remember the good things that Fr. Mario has done to the Cooperative through Alleluya Band.

I will dance together with my friends in a way that has never been seen before.

Dilli, Security Officer: This is the day we must all remember because I have seen the band growing from its humble beginnings. I will dance on this day to bring back the old good days!

By The Web Team

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Henry Goster is the new Deputy Director of AYCT

Henry Goste, the new Deputy Executive Director

Henry Goste, the new Deputy Executive Director

Henry Goster is the new Deputy Director of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT). Fr. Mario Pacifici, one of the founding trustees of AYCT, announced this Tuesday morning, 5 November 2013 in a “special meeting”.

According to Fr. Mario, Henry, who until his appointment was the Coordinator for “Get Up Stand Up” microcredit project, has been appointed not because of words but facts on the ground.

“Through the ‘Get Up Stand Up’ project, Henry has shown that he is capable,” said Fr. Mario citing the reports Henry has been compiling and the rejuvenation of the project that at one time looked to have flopped.

Rosario Nkhoma, AYCT’s Human Resource Coordinator, has since asked for unity of purpose between the Executive Director and his Deputy.

In his short acceptance speech, Henry reminded the Executive Committee that he is only human but has promised to work with everyone.

In the same meeting s new faces were introduced. These are Chimwemwe Mwenyemasi, Mayamiko Taferakaso, Loyce Phuka, Christina Chilongo, Mwayi Chabwera and Mercy Kalonga.

Henry will deputise Andrew Galeta.

By P.K.B

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Angelo leaves for Italy

Angelo with his friend Subiri during dinner

Angelo with his friend Subiri during dinner

A long time volunteer Angelo Stefanini has left today Tuesday, 5 November 2013 for Italy. While in the country Angelo spent his time giving his services at Andiamo Music School and teaching Mada Taferakaso of Alleluya band sax. Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust hosted a dinner to bid him farewell on Monday evening at Nankhombe House.

Angelo Stefanini, 81, was born on 8th January 1932. He started to study music immediately after the Second World War in Montescudaio, Pisa in Tuscany region (Italy). This was in the year 1945.

Women serving in Nankhombe House bid farewell to Angelo

Women serving in Nankhombe House bid farewell to Angelo

He learned Clarinet and Music reading and writing. After Clarinet he passed to Tenor Saxophone. Despite all these, Angelo says he is not a musician by profession but confesses he has played with professional musicians before in many occasions. He’s real profession though was cobbler and labourer in a big industry.

Angelo knew Malawi for the first time in November 2001. He came to Malawi having been convinced by Don Paolo Pacifici, brother to Father Mario, to share in Andiamo his experience in music.

Foster Chimangafisi, the former member of Alleluya band, was the first to benefit from his music experience. Many more youths from Balaka have also learnt from him both sax and music reading and writing.

By P.K.B

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“Get Up Stand Up” Rewards Beneficiaries

Farmers who attended the indaba

Farmers who attended the indaba on Saturday

Some beneficiaries of “Get Up Stand Up” Project went away with assorted prizes for honouring the loan they had with the project when they met for a General Assembly in Umodzi Hall on Saturday, 2 November 2013.

“We decided to reward some farmers’ groups for repaying their loans in time,” said Henry Goster, the Project’s Coordinator.

A representative getting his maize seeds

A representative getting his maize seeds

The rewards included hoes, a sprayer, and hybrid maize seeds.

The General Assembly also reviewed the objectives that were implemented last season.

Meanwhile, farmers start to receive on credit fertilisers on Monday, 4 November 2013.

Farmers getting their sprayer

Farmers getting their sprayer

About 250 farmers will benefit from the project this year alone. Get Up Stand Up is a micro credit project that helps farmers to access seeds and fertilizers on credit.

Get Up Stand Project is under Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust and is funded by the “Associazione notarile di solidarietà di Bergamo” from Italy.

By P.K.B

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Search for Jesus – Fr. Mario tells the AEI Community

Fr. Mario during the homily

Fr. Mario during the homily

Like all Sundays, today 3 November 2013 students of Andiamo Education Institutions gathered in the Umodzi Hall to pray together.

In his homily, Fr. Mario Pacifici asked the congregation to search for Jesus like a man whose name was Zacchaeus, who was one of the senior tax collectors and a wealthy man.

Zacchaeus, Fr. Mario told the gathering, climbed the tree to see the Lord and not to be seen by Him, he said.

“Like what Zacchaeus did, we must all search for Jesus,” Fr. Mario has advised the congregation. The Gospel was taken from Luke Chapter 19: 1 – 10.

On celebrations of Alleluya band’s 35 years of existence, which take place on the 9 November at Andiamo Ground, Fr. Mario said he is proud that for 35 years, the band has with its songs evangelised both in Malawi and outside the country.

Triza Kananji leading the young girls

Triza Kananji leading the young girls

During the same mass young girls from the Andiamo Community, led by Triza Kananji, a Form IV girl sand three songs in honour of Angelo, a volunteer who will be leaving of Tuesday next week.

By P.K.B

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You are with Us Forever

But the souls of the upright are in the hands of God, and no torment can touch them.
To the unenlightened, they appeared to die, their departure was regarded as disaster, their leaving us like annihilation; but they are at peace.
If, as it seemed to us, they suffered punishment, their hope was rich with immortality; slight was their correction, great will their blessings be. God was putting them to the test and has proved them worthy to be with him; he has tested them like gold in a furnace, and accepted them as a perfect burnt offering.
At their time of visitation, they will shine out; as sparks run through the stubble, so will they.
They will judge nations, rule over peoples, and the Lord will be their king for ever.
Those who trust in him will understand the truth, those who are faithful will live with him in love; for grace and mercy await his holy ones, and he intervenes on behalf of his chosen.

Wisdom 3:1-9

Akufa3Today is “All Souls Day” and we at Andiamo we remember in prayers all the people who have gone before us both in Malawi and outside the country. We have in mind mother of Fr. Luigi Gritti who died this year;Manuel Todeschini’s parents Giancarlo and Sara Oldrati;Paul John Paul II whom we interacted with; Bishop Assolari; Andrea Pacifici; Sr. Jacinta; Bishop Luciano Nervi; Fr. Beppe, Mr. Naluso; Mr. Usseni and many more sons and daughters of Andiamo. RIP

By Our Reporter

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Doing what machines can’t

The drilling team pulling out what has been dug

The drilling team pulling out what has been dug

Some months ago Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust embarked on a project to drill a borehole right close to the paediatric ward for the Comfort Community Hospital. Targets were set when they would finish drilling the borehole but little did they know that the job would end abruptly.

In the course of drilling, when they were about 10 metres deep the unexpected happened. The six metre-drilling rod got stuck between rocks and there was nothing that the machine could do. People tried to pull it using all the available resources but to no avail.

Time to throw away what is not needed

Time to throw away what is not needed

Now three men from around Balaka led by a Mr Kachingwe are busy digging the rod out manually. We wish them success.

By Our Reporter

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Six Volunteers leave for Italy

Bidding farwell

Bidding farewell

Six volunteers have left today Tuesday, 29 October 2013 for Italy. The six are Beppe and Mirella; Luigi and Bruna; Mario and Ausilia.

On Monday evening, Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust organized a farewell dinner for the six. During their stay in Malawi, Mirella and Beppe celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with the people of Balaka. Mirella is the sister of Fr. Mario Pacifici who is one of the Founding Trustees of AYCT.

A cross section of people at the dinner

A cross section of people at the dinner


Mirella and Beppe showing off their gifts

Mirella and Beppe showing off their gifts

Don Cesare and Fr. Mario

Don Cesare and Fr. Mario

Ausilia with her painting done by Pablos of AYCT

Ausilia with her painting done by Pablos of AYCT

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Mario Curses Darkness at AEI

Mario Creatini with Mr. Dilli

Mario Creatini with Mr. Dilli

There are no more dark corners at Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) campus following a very professional job by Mario Creatini, a volunteer from Italy.

Mario together with some of the Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust electricians has fixed lights in all the corners of AEI campus that were experiencing darkness even when we have electricity.

Not only has he fixed the lights in the campus but he has also fixed a fixed public address system in the Umodzi Hall that used for mass services and students activities like Variety shows.

Mario Creatini comes from Rosignano (Livorno) in Italy and he leaves on Tuesday morning together with other volunteers from Italy.

By Our Reporter

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