Inter Schools Hope Trophy On

HopeThisThe organisers of Hope Trophy from Andiamo Education Institutions have organized the 8th edition of Inter Schools Competitions to be held on 16 November at Andiamo Ground in Balaka.

According to the organisers of the event there are many prizes to be won by the athletes and their respective institutions.

Some of the disciplines on the menu are 100 metres sprint; relay race; 400m; 800m; 3000m; Shot Put; Long Jump; and Triple Jump.

Hope Trophy is an initiative of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI), which is under Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust with an aim to raise the game of athletics among the youth.

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Luigi and Bruna leave a mark

Bruna and Luigi visiting the Mussa family

Bruna and Luigi visiting the Mussa family

Luigi and Bruna, long time volunteers from Italy, now dubbed “Mum and Dad” of Nankhombe House (Volunteer House) leave Malawi with the Mussa family smiling. The two have contributed the roofing of Mussa’s newly built house.

Mussa works for Comfort Clinic and has a family of 11 kids and two grand children. The family has disclosed that it built the first house but collapsed because it had no roof.

“We are thankful to Luigi and Bruna for coming to our rescue,” says Mrs Mussa with a big smile on her face.

Bruna doing what she does best: working with Nankhombe women

Bruna doing what she does best: working with Nankhombe women

Luigi and Bruna are called Father and Mother respectively because of their different roles in the Nankhombe house where Fr. Mario Pacifici, Don Cesare and volunteers stay.

Luigi and Bruna together with other volunteers leave for Italy on Tuesday, 29 October.

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Be Humble – Fr. Mario advises students of AEI

Samuel Noah, Jackomino Murowa and Fr. Mario explaining the parable

Samuel Noah, Jackomino Murowa and Fr. Mario explaining the parable

Fr. Mario Pacifici has advised students of Andiamo Education Institutions to be humble. Fr. Mario said this during his homily on Sunday 27 October 2013.

Quoting the Gospel of Luke, Fr. Mario said: “For everyone who raises himself up will be humbled, but anyone who humbles himself will be raised up.”

To make sure that the students understood the parable Jesus spoke to some people who prided themselves on being upright and despised everyone else, Fr. Mario asked Samuel Noah and Jackomino Murowa to say prayers in front of the students like the Pharisee and the Tax Collector respectively.

Like the Pharisee, Noah prayed: “I thank you, God, that I am not grasping, unjust, adulterous like everyone else, and particularly that I am not like this tax collector here. [In this particular case, Jackomino] I fast twice a week; I pay tithes on all I get.”

Murowa, like the tax collector stood some distance away, not daring even to raise his eyes to heaven; but he beat his breast and said, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.”

Seminarians from ICI

Seminarians from ICI

During the same mass, Fr. Mario on behalf of Andiamo Education Institutions welcomed three seminarians from Inter Congregational Institute (ICI) who will be praying with the students every Sunday sharing their experiences.

Fr. Mario also took the opportunity to join St. Louis Montfort Parishioners in welcoming Fr. Callisto Baluwa who becomes the new Parish Priest, succeeding Fr. Luigi Fratus.

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Saturday Easy Morning

Students of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI), which is under Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) are this afternoon having a Variety Show where they will showcase their different talents. We went around the campus to see what the students are doing while waiting for the show:

Saturday2Being a weekend, some students are busy washing their clothes.

Saturday3“We are Brothers” busy rehearsing their new song. They are busy preparing for Sunday and 9 November when Alleluya celebrates 35 years of Singing Life with Joy

Saturday4Never too early for lunch. We found a woman preparing a meal for the people finalising the floor of the new open stage at Andiamo Ground.

Saturday5Form IV students busy in the Computer Lab

Saturday7DJs busy preparing for the Variety Show

Saturday8They can’t wait for Monday!

Saturday6Leading by example. The head girl mopping in a Form II class

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Fertilizers finally arrive

Offloading the fertilizers

Offloading the fertilizers from the lorry

One word describes the atmosphere at Get Up Stand Up office on Friday. Relief. The much-awaited 600 bags of two different types of fertilizers arrived on Thursday evening and were offloaded on Friday, 25 October morning.

Henry Goster, the Get Up Stand Up Project Coordinator says he is relieved that the fertilizers have arrived just when the rains have just started in some parts of Balaka.

“What remains now is for us to organize a meeting where we tell farmers when they start to get the fertilizers and seeds on credit and how they are going to pay back the loan,” says Goster.

piles of fertilisers in the warehouse

piles of fertilisers in the warehouse

Goster also disclosed that the project will reward the farmers group that repaid its loan in time.

About 250 farmers will benefit from the project this year alone. Get Up Stand Up is a micro credit project that helps farmers to access seeds and fertilizers on credit.

Get Up Stand Project is under Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust and is funded by the “Associazione notarile di solidarietà di Bergamo”.

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Friends in Cleanliness

Mirella joined Cornelius Ntapa of Andiamo Music School this morning, 25 October 2013  in cleaning the surroundings.

Time to clean the surroundings

Time to clean the surroundings

"We have made it!"

“We have made it!”

Pictures by Mayamiko Taferakaso




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Fuel Prices Up

Andiamo Nursery Schools bus

Andiamo Nursery Schools bus

Pump prices for fuel have gone up with an average of about 10 per cent.

A statement from Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (Mera) says that effective Wednesday, 23 October, petrol now is selling at K736.60 from K680.80; diesel is at K730.80 from K657.40; and paraffin for industrial use has gone up to K603 from K535.50.

Meanwhile the Executive Director of the Consumers Association of Malawi (CAMA), John Kapito says the latest fuel price hike vindicates his earlier statement that prices for the commodity will keep skyrocketing.

“I ask policy makers including RBM [Reserve Bank of Malawi], to come out and justify why they misled masses by saying fuel prices will not go up soon,” Kapito is quoted in the media.

The fuel price hike is likely to cripple the activities of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust including the Nursery Schools bus that commutes Mondays to Fridays.

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Wings of Hope of Andiamo tops Regional Athletics Competitions

Wings of Hope Team

Wings of Hope Team

Wings of Hope of Andiamo beat Mwanza Police, Mulanje/Sapitwa, Zomba Police, Machinga Police and Blantyre Police in a regional athletic competition that was organised by the Athletic Association of Malawi (AAM) at Mulanje Park on Saturday, 19 October 2013.

According to Joseph Bwezani, who was leader of the delegation, Andiamo Wings of Hope competed in 100, 400, 800, 5000 metres and in relay race.

In 400 women relay race, Eneless Aufe from Andiamo Wings of Hope finished first. She completed the race in 1 minute and 26 seconds.

5000m men followed and again, Caphus Kasten from Andiamo Wings of Hope was also number 1 with 14:56:17 he rounded the ground 12.5 rounds.

In the 800m women, Eneless Aufe was number 1 and on position 4 was Catherine Makaika both from Andiamo Wings of Hope (Andiamo Secondary School).

The same result was repeated in 800m men. Caphus Kasten ended first with 1:56: 59 while Erick James Silika was number 4 with 2:88: 56.

“In 100m women, first hit Hilda Kawenda of Andiamo Wings of Hope, she ended number 2,” Bwezani says Hilda qualifies into the finals that she got position 2 again in the same race.

Dennis Phiri and Gift Kawale, both of Andiamo Wings of Hope qualify for the finals after emerging victorious in 100m.In the Relay race, Andiamo team was number 2.

 The aim of this competition was to select the Athletes to go for National competition in Lilongwe on 23 November 2013. The winners will be selected to go to Brazil for an International competition.

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EXIT 20 October ENTER 9 November

On 20 October 2013 Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust celebrated the Mission Sunday with pomp because this was the day that Beppi and Mirella (described by many as “parents”) were also celebrating their Golden Jubilee in marriage. One word describes events that characterized the day. Touching.

Being in a community full of activities, we may rush to start planning for 9 November, the day Alleluya Band celebrates with the community, the 35 years of “Singing Life with Joy without looking back at what really happened on 20 October.

Mirella, Beppi Day

Chaka1We know that 20 October was Mission Sunday in the Liturgical Calendar but it will also be understatement if we take this day away from Mirella and Beppi. As Paul Banda rightly said it, “To be in marriage ‘together’ for fifty solid years it is not a joke.”

Liturgy made Interestingly beautiful 

Chaka2With the Form IVs gone, new students in, and only six weeks in the campus, the AEI choir did not disappoint either. The choir made the double celebrations worth it. The working relationship among the students of the Technical and Secondary Schools was impressive.

The Presence of the Missionaries

Chaka3Fr. Mario Pacifici concelebrated the Holy Mass with Fr. Angelo Assolari. The later’s presence was of a huge significance to the people present. The presence did not only show the unity that exists among the missionaries but it also signified the presence of the missionaries in Balaka and the role they are playing.

Our Efforts Together…


Perhaps the gift from Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust to Mirella and Beppi, says it all. While our collaboration with them (Mirella and Beppi) and our cooperating partners has produced the visible structures for everybody to see, we see that in putting our efforts together, the community has grown.

Alleluya Band Spicing Up the Show

Chaka8Alleluya Band did as is also expected of them. They were mature on stage, proving to people present that they are 35 years old and perhaps showing to people what they must expect come 9 November. It was a performance for their “parents”.

Fought a Good Fight



When everybody thought it would be dancing all round, they were wrong. Secondary school students under the name “Marching Soldiers” under the leadership of their Boarding Mistress, Gertrude Naluso (By the way, Andrew Galeta, the EXecutive Director of AYCT could not recognise her) fought a good fight. They made us laugh!

We are NOT without Talent

Chaka 13Chaka14Alleluya band did its usual part but the performance by Alleluya Band 2 assured everybody that we have an abundance of talent that needs nurturing. AYCT has a pool of talent in its reserves.

Unity of Purpose


The presence of other volunteers from Italy showed that we are in it together and that together we shall achieve more…

The Icing on the Cake

Chaka17Chaka18Paul Banda brought all the memories of where we are coming from and why we should stand by what we believe in as Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust.

His presence reminded the gathering why we must believe in the youth. At 15, like some of the members of Alleluya Band 2, he became a member of now a 35 year old band. At 50 (that is his age) Paul sang for Mirella and Beppi who were celebrating their golden jubilee in marriage. Paul stayed with Mirella and Beppi in Italy.

Together with Fr. Mario, the father of Alleluya band, they made a day Mirella and Beppi perhaps will never forget in their lives.

Now ENTER 9 November 2013. Are you ready? Lookout for this page as we continue to give you different interviews from both old and new members of Alleluya band.

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Celebrations Mood at AEI

AYCT's gift to Beppi and Mirella

AYCT’s gift to Beppi and Mirella

Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust is today on 20 November, celebrating the Mission Sunday and 50 years (Golden Jubilee) in marriage of Beppi and Mirella.

During his homily, Fr. Mario Pacifici has explained that the two celebrations mean one thing. He says that the 50 years in marriage of Beppi and Mirella have been that of a missionary.

“They have cooperated with us in all our missions in Malawi,” stressed Fr. Mario.

Beppi and Mirella

Beppi and Mirella

This afternoon, people will gather again in the Umodzi hall where they will be entertained by Alleluya band, the band that has also been in a mission of spreading the Good News through music for 35 years.

Alleluya Band ready for the show

Alleluya Band ready for the show

World Mission Sunday, organized by the Propagation of the Faith, is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice.

The theme for this year’s World Mission Sunday celebration is “Do Good on Earth”. The theme couldn’t be any better as it highlights exactly what missionaries have been doing in Malawi in particular.

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