18 trainees from Catholic Health Commission graduate from Andiamo Technical College

Mr. Murowa, Christabel and Mrs. Mpetiwa presenting gifts and testimonials

Mr. Murowa, Christabel and Mrs. Mpetiwa presenting gifts and testimonials

Today, August 9, Catholic Health Commission; an arm organisation of Episcopal Conference of Malawi joined  staff members at A.E.I  to revel the graduation of the 18 trainees, the commission had entrusted to Andiamo Technical College to train in carpentry and tailoring in the three week programme.

Trainees showcasing samples of their work

Trainees showcasing samples of their work

At the function the graduates extoled the good works of C.H.C and Andiamo Trust for warm welcome and comfortability in their stay. They said the skills acquired will help support not just themselves but also their families. They displayed the sample of works they have made during their program. They welcomed questions from audience and answered them with confidence validating their knowledge.

Group photo: Mpetiwa, Murowa, AEI staff members posing with the graduating team

Group photo: Mpetiwa, Murowa, AEI staff members posing with the graduating team

Mr. Murowa, the guest of honour at the function acclaimed the Catholic Health Commission for empowering the most significant group of the community- the youth. He said C.H.C has armed the vulnerable and open their eyes to partner up with everyone to developing Malawi.

Awards presentation

Awards presentation

Mrs. Rosemary Mpetiwa encouraged the graduates to make use of their acquired skills extremely.
“This is your treasure, nobody can take it away from you because we have taught you how to fish rather than giving you fish” she continued reminding them of the noble job awaiting the young trainees in the industrial world.

By Harry Pongolani (Pics by H.P)

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18 young trainees finish their 3weeks training session at Andiamo Technical College


Girls being trained as tailors at Andiamo

Andiamo Education Institutions on 22nd July received 18 young trainees from Machinga. They have participated on a three weeks full training programme in tailoring and designing, and carpentry and joinery. The trainees came under the funding of Catholic Health Commission.

    Mr. July teaching the trainees some skills in planing

Mr. July teaching the trainees some skills in planing

On 9th August A.E.I and C.H.C invoke a symposium where the trainees will display some of the materials they can manufacture in their training session to end on 10th. IMG_8082

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Andrea and Veronica- Welcome to Andiamo

Kantema welcoming Andrea and Veronica

Kantema welcoming Andrea and Veronica

Today the 7th of August some of Andiamo Trust workers gathered at the entrance of Nankhombe house to welcome Andrea Mandelli in his third trip to Malawi. He came along with his fiancée Veronica Canegrati.

Mr. A. Galeta uttering his speech at dinner

Mr. A. Galeta uttering his speech at dinner

At dinner, Kantema; as at the look of things- the ‘head of volunteer house’, in Fr. Mario’s chair, chit-chatted with Andrea in his little Italian vocabulary as he could. Andrea thanked everyone for yet another warm welcome to Balaka, mostly for the ‘takulandirani’ song the women chanted at the entry. Every time I am here I feel I am at my second home” says Andrea around happy faces.

Amayi at Nankhombe singing for the visitors

Amayi at Nankhombe singing for the visitors

“We surely will make the three weeks of your stay as memorable as possible” says the executive director of Andiamo Trust; Mr. A. Galeta in his welcoming remarks.

Andrea and Veronica at dinner

Andrea and Veronica at dinner

By Harry Pongolani (pics by H.P)

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Andiamo Bullets in for a comeback

Andiamo Bullets players have resumed to a committed and regular version of training sessions recently after a drought of trophies since the boys were booted out of presidential initiative for sports cup. The boys had a match at Balaka stadium on Saturday August 3 which they beat Phalula Dynamos 2-1 inside the Balaka District cup. George Khoriyo scored the goals for Andiamo in the second half.

Andiamo Bullets Line up before the at Balaka stadium

Andiamo Bullets Line up before the at Balaka stadium

Now the boys have yet another opportunity to prove their worth.
“A win like this propels us” says Andiamo’s coach; Harry Warima during training yesterday. It’s good for a start” he continues.

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A.E.I conducts an entrance exam

Today 6th of August in the morning, students with their respective guardians clumped around the A.E.I admin office to get enrolled into forms 1 and 3 classes in the forthcoming academic year commencing in September.

A queue of candidates to sit for entrance exams

A queue of candidates to sit for entrance exams

Nevertheless, successful students have to pass through an entry exam that narrows the list into the required cream breed that can possibly be accommodated in our limited space.

Entry exams in progress

Cross section of candidates: Entry exams in progress

The candidates will be tested in General science and English language.

By Harry Pongolani

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The Bishop of Bergamo visits Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust

Bishop Francesco arriving at Andiamo Campus

Bishop Francesco arriving at Andiamo Campus

Bishop of Bergamo, Rt. Rev Francesco Beschi visited Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust on Thursday, 25 July 2013 to strengthen social developmental activities of the trust nurture the relationship that is there already between the trust and the Diocese of Bergamo.
During the visit, he together with his entourage has been shown two sections under social development, cobra and art; Comfort Community Hospital; and Andiamo Educaton Institutions campus.
During the presentations, the Bishop has thanked AYCT for the idea of a cooperative. He says cooperatives have roots in Christianity.
He also says Alleluya Band which is under the pillar of Sports and Culture is well known in Bergamo diocese.
He says though he has been bishop of Bergamo for four years only, he knows the popularity of the band in his diocese and indeed Italy.
He has assured the gathering that he will make sure he meets Fr. Mario Pacifici and Alleluya band crew on their way from Brazil to Italy.

By Our Reporter

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Pope Francis’ First Speech in Brazil where Alleluya Band is in attendance

Alleluya band: part of the pilgrims at WYD gathering in Brazil

Alleluya band: part of the pilgrims at WYD gathering in Brazil

“Young people have confidence in Christ: they are not afraid to risk for him the only life they have, because they know they will not be disappointed.”

Madam President,
Distinguished Authorities, Brethren and Friends!

In his loving providence, God wished that the first international trip of my pontificate should take me back to my beloved Latin America, specifically to Brazil, a country proud of its links to the Apostolic See and of its deep sentiments of faith and friendship that have always kept it united in a special way to the Successor of Peter. I am grateful for this divine benevolence.
I have learned that, to gain access to the Brazilian people, it is necessary to pass through its great heart; so let me knock gently at this door. I ask permission to come in and spend this week with you. I have neither silver nor gold, but I bring with me the most precious thing given to me: Jesus Christ! I have come in his name, to feed the flame of fraternal love that burns in every heart; and I wish my greeting to reach one and all: The peace of Christ be with you!
I cordially greet the President and the distinguished members of her government. I thank her for her warm welcome and for the words by which she expressed the joy of all Brazilians at my presence in their country. I also greet the state governor who is hosting us in the government palace, and the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, as well as the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the government of Brazil, the other authorities present and all those who worked hard to make my visit here a reality.
I would like to greet affectionately my brother bishops, to whom falls the serious task of guiding God’s flock in this vast country, as well as their beloved local churches. With this visit, I wish to pursue the pastoral mission proper to the Bishop of Rome of confirming my brothers in their faith in Christ, of encouraging them to give an account of the reasons for the hope which comes from him, and of inspiring them to offer everyone the inexhaustible riches of his love.
As you know, the principal reason for my visit to Brazil goes beyond its borders. I have actually come for World Youth Day. I am here to meet young people coming from all over the world, drawn to the open arms of Christ the Redeemer. They want to find a refuge in his embrace, close to his heart, to listen again to his clear and powerful appeal: “Go and make disciples of all nations”.
These young people are from every continent, they speak many languages, they bring with them different cultures, and yet they also find in Christ the answer to their highest aspirations, held in common, and they can satisfy the hunger for a pure truth and an authentic love which binds them together in spite of differences.
Christ offers them space, knowing that there is no force more powerful than the one released from the hearts of young people when they have been conquered by the experience of friendship with him. Christ has confidence in young people and entrusts them with the very future of his mission, “Go and make disciples”. Go beyond the confines of what is humanly possible and create a world of brothers and sisters! And young people have confidence in Christ: they are not afraid to risk for him the only life they have, because they know they will not be disappointed.
As I begin my visit to Brazil, I am well aware that, in addressing young people, I am also speaking to their families, their local and national church communities, the societies they come from, and the men and women upon whom this new generation largely depends.
Here it is common for parents to say, “Our children are the apple of our eyes”. How beautiful is this expression of Brazilian wisdom, which applies to young people an image drawn from our eyes, which are the window through which light enters into us, granting us the miracle of sight! What would become of us if we didn’t look after our eyes? How could we move forward? I hope that, during this week, each one of us will ask ourselves this thought-provoking question.
Young people are the window through which the future enters the world, thus presenting us with great challenges. Our generation will show that it can realize the promise found in each young person when we know how to give them space; how to create the material and spiritual conditions for their full development; how to give them a solid basis on which to build their lives; how to guarantee their safety and their education to be everything they can be; how to pass on to them lasting values that make life worth living; how to give them a transcendent horizon for their thirst for authentic happiness and their creativity for the good; how to give them the legacy of a world worthy of human life; and how to awaken in them their greatest potential as builders of their own destiny, sharing responsibility for the future of everyone.
As I conclude, I ask everyone to show consideration towards each other and, if possible, the sympathy needed to establish friendly dialogue. The arms of the Pope now spread to embrace all of Brazil in its human, cultural and religious complexity and richness. From the Amazon Basin to the pampas, from the dry regions to the Pantanal, from the villages to the great cities, no one is excluded from the Pope’s affection. In two days’ time, God willing, I will remember all of you before Our Lady of Aparecida, invoking her maternal protection on your homes and families. But for now I give all of you my blessing. Thank you for your welcome!

© Servizio Fotografico de L’Osservatore Romano

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Malawi to import maize

Life will be hard for many in the near future

Life will be hard for many in the near future

The Malawi government will import maize from outside the country to supplement the locally produced grain.

According to The Business Times of Wednesday, July 24 to 30, 2013 this will become the second time for the country to import maize this year alone.

Consumers in Malawi should brace for higher maize prices which according to the Southern African Famine Early Warning System Network (Fews Net) the prices will most likely be higher than those of last year and even the last five years.

Last year in Balaka, consumers were forced to pay MK12, 000 for a bag of maize since it is the staple food.

By Our Reporter

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Bishop of Bergamo to visit Andiamo this Thursday

Bishop of Bergamo Rt. Rev Francesco Beschi

Bishop of Bergamo Rt. Rev Francesco Beschi

The Bishop of the diocese of Bergamo, Italy Rt. Rev. Bishop Francesco Beschi, who is currently in Malawi, will visit Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) on Thursday, 25 July 2013.

According to Andrew Galeta, the Executive Director of AYCT, the Bishop together with his entourage will be at the Cooperative by 3 in the afternoon.

“We believe that his visit to Andiamo will strengthen developmental relationships between his diocese and the Missionary work in Malawi,” Galeta has also disclosed that Fr. Mario Pacifici, the founding trustee of AYCT comes from the same diocese of Bergamo.

On Sunday, 21 July Bishop Beschi celebrated mass at St. Louis Montfort Parish and later in the afternoon, he was at Montfort Media where he blessed and unveiled the new 5 Colour Printing machine.

By Our Reporter

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Saving lives

Malawi Blood Transfusion Service came at Andiamo this morning of 18th July to extend an opportunity for Andiamo workers to save a life. Kennedy Alufandika of MBTS illuminated well on the importance of donating blood regularly. He said blood donated is supplied to most of government hospitals which is transfused to anaemic patients or pregnant women who usually lose blood at delivery.

Goster donating blood

Goster and malefula donating blood

“I am amazed at the turn up of willing workers to donate blood” says Alufandika commending the willing heart of Andiamo workers who volunteered for blood donation.IMG_7521

By Harry Pongolani

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