Lewis Likupe Laid to Rest

Lewis Likupe

Lewis Likupe

It is with great sadness that we announce another unexpected loss.  Mr. Lewis Likupe, our Ophthalmologist, died on Monday (Sept. 1st) after developing a severe case of Malaria.  He was laid to rest at Zammimba Village near Balaka on Tuesday (Sept. 2nd).

Mr. Likupe was 35 years old and had worked at Comfort Vision since 2001.  In 2003, he studied in Verona Italy for 3 years and was mentored by Dr. Giusseppe Perbellini.  Everyone at Andiamo and at Comfort sends their heart-felt condolences to his wife and family.  May God bless and comfort his family during this difficult time.

By Jill Claus

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Filling Teeth Again

Aarlon helping a patient

Aaron helping a patient

It is extremely difficult to find items needed for our Dental Department here in Malawi.  After a two year search, we were finally able to find some key items needed to fill teeth.  So our dentist, Aaron Mafuta pictured above, started filling teeth again last week in our clinic.  The three services we are currently able to provide are Consultations, Tooth Extractions, and now Fillings.  Our search continues for items needed in order to start cleaning teeth and doing root canals again!

By Jill Claus

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Emmanuele Mwale Laid to Rest

Requiem Mass at St. Louis Montfort Parish

Requiem Mass at St. Louis Montfort Parish

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Mwale, our Chief Clinical Officer.   He died last Friday night (8 August) from complications after suffering from a stroke in the early morning and was laid to rest in his home district Mchinji on Sunday 10 August 2014.  Mr. Mwale was 65 years old and had served as our Chief Clinical officer at Comfort for the past 10 years.  Everyone at Andiamo and at Comfort send their heart-felt condolences to his wife and family.  May God bless and comfort his family during this difficult time.


Mwale (Second from Left): May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace

By Jill Claus

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Alleluya Back with “Mbambande Malawi”

Alleluya Band sharing stage with Italian star Zucchero sugar Fornaciari

Alleluya Band sharing stage with Italian star Zucchero sugar Fornaciari

For a better cause, Alleluya Band is back after a three-month tour of Italy.

Left Malawi on May 26 with a single reason- raise funds to boost health services delivery for Comfort community hospital in Malawi’s southern region district of Balaka.

Band leader Coss Chiwalo says they managed to hold about 37 shows out of the total 43 planned, attributing the failed six to bad weather.

He said people however patronised their shows convincingly.

According to Chiwalo, Alleluya Band has learnt some skills after sharing stage with renowned Italian musician, Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari.

Zucchero left one of his shows, to join Alleluya band in a campaign against Malaria and pneumonia in Malawi.

The Alleluya Band leader disclosed that a new twelve-track album titled “Mbambande Malawi” is out.

“Mbambande Malawi” is a compilation of different songs composed by several artists who have been members of the band previously. These include the likes of Sir Paul Banda, The Reggae Ambassador Charles Sinetre and Isaac Liwotcha.

“Mbambande Malawi” album is named as part of commemoration for 50 years of Malawi’s Independence from the colonial rule.

According to Chiwalo, Alleluya band is set to offer its fans live shows starting this month of August, after a two-week holiday.

By Moses Thom

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Talent within our Reach

Katija Jussab with her Instructor

Katija Jussab with her Instructor

Alleluya band is in Italy fundraising for Comfort Community Hospital and the band will be back next week. When the members are back they will find out that we have a lot of talent just waiting for their turn to join the band.

A visit to the Andiamo Music School offered us an opportunity to meet two young people learning how to play a guitar: Jackomino Murowa and Katija Jussab. Both are from Balaka.

Jackomino is not new to Alleluya band members. He has travelled with the band abroad before. He did not join the band this year because he was writing Form IV examinations. He has been going out with the band as a dancer but next time he may go out as a guitarist!

Jackomino Murowa with his guitar

Jackomino Murowa with his guitar

The surprise could be Katija Jussab. She is fifteen. She has just graduated from Bedia High School. She says her passion is music and a guitar in particular. Though 5 Seconds of Summer is her favourite music group, she will not hesitate to perform with Alleluya band whenever she is given a chance!

By P.K.B

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Andiamo Secondary School Releases Examination Results

2013/14 Form IV class

2013/14 Form IV class

Andiamo Secondary School has released the end of term results. 38 students have qualified to pursue their studies in From IV and for the first time since the school was opened, 58 go to From II.

According to the Headteacher of the school, Mr. Banda this year’s Form 1 class had hardworking students.

For the first time, number of girls in Form IV outnumbers that of the boys. There will be 20 girls against 18 boys. Next term begins on 8 September 2014. Entrance examinations for Forms 1 and 3 take place on the 19th of August.

By P.K.B

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Welcome to our new Human Resource Manager!

Montfort Chiwaya

Montfort Chiwaya

We are pleased to announce that we have hired a Human Resource Manager named Montfort Chiwaya.  He has Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management and a Masters in Business Administration – which is a fantastic educational combination for Comfort Community Hospital.

Montfort was previously employed as the Principal Hospital Administrator for a large hospital here in Malawi, so he also brings a wealth of valuable experience with him to our facility.  All of the staff welcomes Montfort and we look forward to working with him!

By Jill Claus

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420 Graduate at Andiamo Nursery Schools

Kids from Chimwe Nursery School on their graduation day

Kids from Chimwe Nursery School on their graduation day

420 kids have this year alone graduated in all the five nursery schools run by Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust namely Kapandatsitsi, Chimwemwe, St. John Paul II, St. Monica and Chikondi.

The graduation ceremonies started Tuesday through Friday. Meanwhile all the nursery schools are on holiday and they will open their doors on 8 September.

Thousands of children have passed through the corridors of Andiamo’s nursery schools. AYCT believes that what happens during the early years is of crucial importance for every child’s development.

Unicef says there is consistent and strong evidence, which shows that: Brain development is most rapid in the early years of life. When the quality of stimulation, support and nurturance is deficient, child development is seriously affected;

The effects of early disadvantage on children can be reduced. Early interventions for disadvantaged children lead to improvements in children’s survival, health, growth, and cognitive and social development;

Children who receive assistance in their early years achieve more success at school. As adults they have higher employment and earnings, better health, and lower levels of welfare dependence and crime rates than those who don’t have these early opportunities;

And thatefforts to improve early child development are an investment, not a cost. Available cost-benefit ratios of early intervention indicate that for every dollar spent on improving early child development, returns can be on average 4 to 5 times the amount invested, and in some cases, much higher.

Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust is therefore thanking all individuals and organisations in Italy that continue to support the early development of the Malawian child.

By P.K.B

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Alena Seredova and Fr. Mario Pacifici launches the Alleluya Band and Zucchero Show for Andiamo Comfort Community Hospital

Articolo_01_Seredova MamaAfrica Polmonite_01 Polmonite_fronte

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Visitors from Franklin University Switzerland

Dr. Mwale briefing the visiting team

Dr. Mwale briefing the visiting team

Dr. Armando Zanecchia, Professor of Political Science and International Management at Franklin University Switzerland, brought 12 of his students to Comfort Community Hospital Wednesday for a tour.  He and the students spent a couple of hours touring all of the departments and wards, meeting the staff and patients, and learning about the services we provide and the challenges we face.  We thank Dr. Zanecchia and his students for visiting our facilities and we hope to see them again someday in the future!

By Jill Claus

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