The Franklin University Switzerland Group Visit is Eye Opening

The group at Comfort Community Hospital

The group at Comfort Community Hospital

The visit by the professor and students from Franklin University Switzerland to Andiamo on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 has revealed how intense is the service of Andiamo to the community of Balaka and Malawi as a whole.

The fifteen-member group, which was led by Professor of Political Science and International Management, Armando Zanecchia started with the tour to two of the five nursery schools run by Andiamo and later at Comfort Community Hospital. In the afternoon the group was in the Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) campus before touring the cooperative groups.

A visit to the cobbler cooperative group

A visit to the cobbler cooperative group

At the end of the tour, which was shortened because it was not possible to see everything that Andiamo does, many lessons were learnt.

One. Andiamo is serving the community of Balaka and Malawi, and it is serving them well. The Comfort Community Hospital comforts the sick. The schools, which are under AEI enrol students from all over Malawi and Andiamo herself offers employment to many youth disregarding home of origin and religion.

Feeling the presence of Alleluya Band

Feeling the presence of Alleluya Band

Two. People outside Malawi love Andiamo. The tour has revealed the love that the people out there have for Andiamo. There are many projects that were and are still being supported by different individuals and organisations outside Malawi.

Three. There is need to thank individuals and organisations that continue to dream with us. We must thank them!

By P.K.B

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Andrea Village – Hope for the Elderly


Gogo Anna Kumchera

She could not even remember the date she got a double blow. Her husband died, and later lost everything to fire that gutted down the house and all her belongings. Though after more than six years now, 94 old Anna Kum’chera narrated her ordeal with a shade of tears on her left eye that refused to climb the wrinkles on her cheek. The frequent name of Jesus on her mouth somehow brought back her courage.

She went on explaining. She said she left Amonisute village in Balaka’s traditional authority Kachenga and joined Andrea village. This is her home now and she showed her happiness at the end of her story, saying she will leave the village that day when God will switch off the light of her life on earth.

Andrea village is the brainchild of Andrea Pacifici and is named after him. The name can not be ignored in the entire Mangochi diocese. He was a brother to Fr. Mario Pacifici. He assisted in several areas within Andiamo campus and beyond, before his death right here in Malawi.

There are currently four elderly people at Andrea village on full board after three others died of old age.

Apart from Anna Kum’chera, the village also accommodated Wilson Chilala six years ago, who came to Balaka some decades back from Lupiya village, traditional authority Kanduku in Mwanza.

According to their caretaker Shupikai Kapasule, she and a colleague are responsible 24 hours, to ensure the four elderly people at Andrea village eat, clothe and attain medical attention whenever necessary.

By Moses Thom

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Andiamo Music School Shines at National Level

Andiamo Music School Band

Andiamo Music School Band

Many thought the initiative was just to keep the youth of Balaka district busy. On July 5th this year, the nation differentiated classroom music from any other. Andiamo music school band scooped 1million Kwacha Chibuku Road to Fame Competition held at Silver stadium in the capital city Lilongwe.

The judges could not ignore the quality sound from the band. They outclassed other eleven bands from all corners of the country.

Another 400 thousand kwacha was carted home to enable the band record an album.

According to percussions lecturer Nastazio Bernard, this proves to the nation that what is taught at Andiamo music school is commendable.

“The band was formed recently, but managed to outclass other bands that have been in the business for a long time,” said Bernard.

He said the future looks bright, and asked those who had doubts to enroll, to do so. Students at the school choose to master the instrument of their choice, whether a guitar, drums, keyboard or any other and are mentored by professionals. Andiamo Music School is one of the institutions under Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI), the Education Pillar of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust.

By Moses Thom

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Winning Back the Trust of Vehicle Owners

Kalambo (Centre) with his team at the garage

Kalambo (Centre) with his team at the garage

Many vehicle owners have lost the trust of garage owners. They have vowed not to leave their vehicle fixed in their absence. The fear is it may come back worse than it went.

The story is different with Andiamo garage. The services advertise the place, not the place advertising the services.

Many people within and outside Balaka district have come to realize that there is still one other place with professionals offering trusted vehicle maintenance and repair services.

“We have the equipment that serves all the needs of our client on top of the qualified mechanical and auto electrical team,” said Luwisho Kalambo, Andiamo’s head mechanic.

Kalambo added that safety of vehicles is also guaranteed and that the owners collect their vehicles in good condition more than it came.

By Moses Thom

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Annual Patient Volumes Shoot at CCH

Patients GraphA comparison of patient volumes year over year at Comfort Community Hospital is showing a steady dramatic increase.  In 2012, we treated 22,251 patients, in 2013 we treated 34,354 patients, and in the first half of this year we have already treated 33,484 patients.  That means that in the first 6 months of this year, we have already treated almost as many patients as we did last year!

By Jill Claus

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Kefasi Kasiteni in the United Kingdom

Keffasi Kasiteni: will represent Malawi and Andiamo

Keffasi Kasiteni: will represent Malawi and Andiamo

Kefasi Kasiteni, a student from Andiamo Secondary School is among the Malawian athletes to participate during the Commonwealth games to be held in Scotland, United Kingdom.

The Malawian team left Malawi on 29th June and will return on 7th August 2014. Kasiteni success has not surprised Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) management because Kasiteni has been successful in many competitions in the country.

We wish him well as he represents Malawi and Andiamo!

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Welcome Henry Banda

Henry, the new clinician

Henry, the new clinician

A new clinician has joined us!  He is replacing Khumbo Kasamba who only stayed in Balaka for a couple of months before he decided he wanted to return to the city.  Henry Banda joins us from Liwonde Distrtict Hospital where he was their Chief Clinical Officer.  He has worked with the Ministry of Health for 23 years and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Comfort Clinics.  We welcome Henry!

By Jill Claus

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Guardians satisfied with Services at Comfort Clinics

Guardians of patients satisfied with the services at CCH

Guardians of patients satisfied with the services at CCH

Guardians interviewed on Thursday, June 26, 2014 have said they are satisfied with the services at Comfort Clinics. The guardians are happy mainly with the availability of drugs.

“When we come here, we are sure that our kids will be treated,” says one guardian we interviewed at the paediatric clinic.

Asked if they know that Alleluya band is in Italy fundraising for Comfort Clinics, they say they never knew but they say they are grateful though.

“We thank everybody who is making sure that our kids don’t die of treatable diseases. God should always bless them,” says a guardian who brought a child with malaria.

Comfort Clinics treat thousands of patients every year and it complements Balaka District Hospital.
Meanwhile Alleluya band led by Fr. Mario Pacifici is in Italy holding shows to raise funds for Comfort Clinics here in Balaka.

By P.K.B

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Mbendera awarded Certificate

George Mbendera

George Mbendera

George Mbendera of Andiamo Music School has been awarded a certificate for being a student in the 7th National Youth Training Programme in Music and Dance that was held at Tom Mboya Labour College, in Kisumu, Kenya from 7th to 9th June 2014.

During the training, Mbendera learned among other things: music appreciation; song writing and arrangement; proficiency skills in playing of musical instruments; voice training; and Copyright and Contract Issues.

Mbendera believes that the skills learnt in Kenya will be passed on to the students of Andiamo Music School.

By P.K.B

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Time to go home!

"See you in September!"

“See you in September!”

Form two students from Andiamo Secondary School have finished writing their Junior Certificate Examinations and some have left for home while others will leave on Wednesday, 25 June.

The students look jovial. They know time has come to go home and meet their guardians and more importantly they are oozing with confidence that they are going to pass. The students will be back in September this year.

By Brenda Gondwe

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