Comfort Clinics Complementing Balaka District Hospital

Bertha Chikuse when the then Minister of Health visited Balaka

Bertha Chikuse in white when the then Minister of Health visited Balaka

Balaka district health office has commended comfort clinics for complementing its efforts of striving to achieve quality health service delivery.

The district health officer Bertha Chikuse said with its limited resources, government health facilities alone can not manage to meet the health demand of the people in Balaka.

“Comfort clinic assist to ease congestion at Balaka district hospital which has a bed capacity of only 200,” said Chikuse. She added that the maternity wing at Comfort clinic is another commendable structure that is complementing government’s safe motherhood initiative.

Many people receive treatment at Comfort Clinics

Many people receive treatment at Comfort Clinics

Meanwhile, Alleluya Band is in Italy to fund raise for improved health services at Comfort clinic.

By Moses Thom

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Graduating Student Nurses

NursesthisStudents from St. Lukes College of Nursing have sat for their final exams and are waiting for their test results which should be announced in a couple of months. We’ve temporarily hired four of them to work with our nurses while they wait.  Pictured above from left to right are Charles Phiri, Sothine Nhlane, Joseph Suliwa, and Gregory Pondani.  We welcome them to Comfort Clinics and wish them well with their exam results!

By Jill Claus

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Meleka Speech Inspires Many

Meleka introducing his wife before addressing the gathering

Meleka introducing his wife before addressing the gathering

My professional experience convinces me that education is one of the fundamental building blocks of society for its prosperity and sustainability. I strongly believe that education should be the first sector addressed when seeking to build or rebuild societies battered with conflict – Henry Meleka, 7 June 2014 at the Graduation of Andiamo Secondary School Form IV Students.

Here is the full speech education a powerful weapon

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The graduating Students ask for a New Library

Triza Kananji reading the speech

Triza Kananji reading the speech

The 40 graduating students of Andiamo Secondary School have asked the management of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) to extend the current library.

In their speech, read by Triza Kananji, the students said that the present library was inadequate.

The present library

The present library

“With the growth of the school, the library is rather small and we would appreciate if it were extended,” reads part of the Speech.

The students have since thanked the management of the school for the bursaries, well furnished laboratories, good diet and extra-curricular activities among other things.

By P.K.B

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40 graduate at Andiamo Secondary School

Meleka congratulating students with many awards

Meleka congratulating students with many awards

40 students are equipped to exit Andiamo Secondary School in Balaka with knowledge to face the world and enable them excel.

21 boys and 19 girls graduated on Saturday June 7th, at a colourful ceremony held in the Umodzi Hall right in the Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) campus, with several students scooping various awards on top of their testimonials.

Wipitha Mazungwi emerged the best student after adding to her shelf, five awards including that of physical science mostly regarded as for boys in most circles.

In his long advisory speech, guest of honour, Malawi sports council human resource manager Henry Meleka, coincidentally emphasized on the theme; “Education the powerful weapon for changing the world,” a caught from Nelson Mandela, one of Africa’s greatest leaders.

Coordinator for AEI Patrick Bwanali assured parents and guardians that the students were well equipped to pass national examinations.

“The forty students have all it takes and most of them will definitely make it to college,” said Bwanali.

Andiamo youth cooperative trust founding trustee Don Cesare Castelli graced the ceremony.

By Moses Thom

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Doing Charity Comfortably

Mpiphe Lodge: A view from the lake

Mpiphe Lodge: A view from the lake

Imagine a scenario where you are asked to go to Cape Maclear in Monkey bay for a weekend. Your lodge, they tell you, will be ten mitres from the lake. In fact, you will be staying right in the lake. They don’t stop there, but they tell you that the money you will pay is not going into anyone’s pocket but is helping to buy drugs for the kids!

That is what Mpiphe Lodge, run by Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust, will be doing once it is officially opened in August. Money realised from this lodge will be used to buy drugs for Comfort Community Hospital in Balaka. What a way to practice charity!

Very close to the lake

Very close to the lake

One of the rooms

One of the rooms

The view as you are just entering the gate of Mpiphe Lodge

The view as you are just entering the gate of Mpiphe Lodge

A place to be

A place to be

By P.K.B

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Alessandro Cappelli leaves a mark

One month has gone now and it is time to go back home. Alessandro Cappelli, a basketball trainer and ICT expert leaves today for Italy but leaves behind a mark we cannot delete. Students will miss him for there is noone around to teach them new skills of basketball. Not only that, he will also be missed because in his free weekends, he spent his time with the students of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) showing them movies. The community of Balaka will miss a young dedicated man.

To AVANADE, the company, Alessandro works for, we thank you for your support always.

Alessandro with students at the basketball court

Alessandro with students at the basketball court

We mean it: Thank you!

We mean it: Thank you!

Time to say goodbye

Time to say goodbye

Please come again

Please come again

Capelli, the ICT man

Cappelli, the ICT man

By P.K.B

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Franco Honoured

Franco honoured

Franco honoured

Francesco Fiorina, aka Franco, a long time volunteer from Italy has been honoured for his dedication to the projects of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT).
AYCT on Thursday, 10 April 2014 gave him “Certificate of Appreciation” for his unwavering support to the Cooperative Trust. During his stay this time, he embarked on among other things rehabilitating the road that connect Andiamo to the main road and finishing up the new boys hostel in the AEI campus. He leaves for Italy today, Friday 11 April 2014.

After a long day of rehabilitating the road

After a long day of rehabilitating the road

Franco and Ale appreciating a gift from Cos Chiwalo

Franco and Ale appreciating a gift from Cos Chiwalo

Working on a bridge

Working on a bridge

Supervising work at the new boys hostel

Supervising work at the new boys hostel

Satisfied that they have done a good job, Franco and Phillipo share light moments

Satisfied that they have done a good job, Franco and Phillipo share light moments

By P.K.B

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Time to Harvest

At last we can now harvest our maize after some months of working hard. As we harvest we remember people who have helped us to reach this far. We have in mind the Late Peppino, who was the president of the Lawyers Association of Bergamo. Through his organisation, Peppino helped the “Get Up Stand Up” Project of Andiamo that is harvesting the maize now.

Like a seed of maize we planted some time ago and has given us tonnes of maize today, we believe God will bless Peppino abundantly.Yes, we are happy that we are harvesting our maize today. Our happiness reminds us of the generosity of the late Peppino. We are soothed by the words of Jesus himself:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”

Clearing the land using the tractor

Clearing the land using the tractor

The day we planted

The day we planted

The seed germinated

The seed germinated

We applied fertilisers

We applied fertilisers

It was promising

The crop was promising



The day is here

The day is here

Thank God for the bumper yield

Thank God for the bumper yield

May Peppino’s Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.

By P.K.B

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Meet Khumbo Kasambala

Khumbo Kasambala

Khumbo Kasambala

We hired a new clinician last month.  His name is Khumbo Kasambala and he joins us from Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre.

Khumbo has been working in our Paediatric Out-Patient Department (OPD) with our other clinician – Gerald Kaitano. Together, they treated 4,360 out-patient children last month.

Welcome to our team Khumbo!

By Jill Claus

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