Tag Archives: Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust

Breaking News

Enelesi Aufi, one of Andiamo Wings of Hope athletes has finished first in the 6km Girls Junior Cross country that is taking place at Zomba Ground. According to Alessandro Marchetti who has travelled with the team to Zomba, there were … Continue reading

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Kapandatsitsi receive an early Christmas Gift.

People from Kapandatsitsi village were jubilant today 23 November 2012 when they were presented a block of two classes of the nursery school which is to be finished fully soon. A total of 240 children were present sending a message … Continue reading

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Pang’onopang’ono for safe water

Water is life, so they say and Pang’onopang’ono Onlus, an Italian association believes in this too. This is evidenced by the association’s quick response to send filters for the purification machine of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust so that people continue … Continue reading

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Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI)

One of the four pillars of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) is Education. This is why in 1989 the trust opened its doors to those boys and girls who had dropped out of school to learn some skills that would … Continue reading

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Andiamo is now MSCE Examinations Centre

Form IV students will now start to write Malawi Schools Certificate Examination (MSCE) at Andiamo Secondary School. This is after fulfilling a number of conditions set by the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB). Among the conditions, Andiamo Secondary School was … Continue reading

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The Excavator, The Third Hand of AYCT

When I look at the excavator that Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) has, I am lost in a reverie. I remember those days when I was doing my primary school education. When it was close to the rainy season, the … Continue reading

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Kamanga takes up the challenge

Just as some people were thinking that the leaving of the Orizzonte Malawi volunteers back to Italy this Sunday is the end of the operation of the new acquired excavator, Bertin Kamanga thinks the opposite. “I have learnt from these … Continue reading

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Andiamo Bullets in Semi Finals

The lone goal from Sinai Mwaona in the first half sailed Andiamo Bullets to the semi finals of K1.5 Million Andiamo Trophy and they will play the winners of the quarter finals between Balaka Socials and Mwina FC on November … Continue reading

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Volunteers continue to inspire Andiamo members

Volunteers from Italy continue to inspire Andiamo workers with their dedication to work and hardworking spirit. Since a group of volunteers from Orizzonte Malawi led by Bruno arrived in Balaka on Friday, they have shown that they are not on … Continue reading

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Martin on Saint Martin’s Day

Today, 11 November is feast day of Saint Martin of Tours who was born in 315 or 316 in Pannonia, a Roman province that includes modern Hungary. He was still unbaptised when he was forced to join the army at the age … Continue reading

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